Women’s Day became established on 8 March...

The Art Nouveau era was also the times of the birth of the modern feminist movement. In 1910, Clara Zetkin, of the German Social Democratic Party, proposed the creation of an International Women's Day: every year in every country there should be a celebration on the same day to press for the demands of women. In the following years, a Women’s Day was held in many European countries, most of them in March. In 1914, however, it was held simultaneously on 8th March (possibly because it was Sunday) in hundreds of cities in Europe: large rallies for voting rights were held in the German and in the Austro-Hungarian empires; in London, Sylvia Pankhurst was arrested as she led a demonstration to Trafalgar Square. From then on, Women’s Day became established on 8 March.

All across the Western world, the late 19th and early 20th centuries saw the rise of exceptional women who devoted their lives to advancing the rights of women and to end the injustice of sexual discrimination 

Arreu del món occidental, les darreries del segle XIX i inicis del XX van veure sorgir dones excepcionals que van dedicar les seves vides a fer avançar els drets de les dones i acabar amb la injustícia de la discriminació sexual

Signe Bergman, swedish suffragist leader, c. 1910

Signe Bergman, líder sufragista sueca, c. 1910

Catherine Helen Spence was the first women to stand for office in Australia in 1897

Catehrine Helen Spence, la primera dona a presentar-se en unes eleccions a Austràlia, el 1897

Wilhelmina Drucker led the successful struggle for women's vote in the Netherlands

Wilhelmina Drucker va dirigir la lluita reeixida per aconseguir el vot de les dones al Països Baixos

Emmeline Pankhurst speaking in New York in 1913

Emmeline Pankhurst parlant a Nova York el 1913


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